
The following outlines how to to implement the USX Transfer Widget.

Getting Started

npm install --save @ax-protocol/widgets

Required Configuration

Optional Configuration

Example Usage

This snippet demonstrates how to implement the UsxTransferWidget component in a React application.

Note: The minimum width of the widget is 300px.

import { UsxTransferWidget } from "@ax-protocol/widgets";

const YourAppComponent = () => {
	// Must have length >= 1
	const evmRpcUrlMap = {
		1: "https://ethereum-rpc-example",
		137: "https://polygon-rpc-example",
		// ... more Ax-supported chains

	// Properties not defined will be set to default values
	const theme = {
		primaryColor: "#ffc46b",
		primaryTextColor: "#ffffff",
		secondaryTextColor: "#b5b5b5",
		buttonTextColor: "#252930",
		containerBackgroundColor: "#0F1114",
		containerOutlineColor: "#191c21",
		inputBackgroundColor: "#191c21",
		inputOutlineColor: "#252930",
		dropdownBackgroundColor: "#191c21",
		optionSelectedColor: "#252930",
		optionActiveColor: "#35383d",
		fontFamily: "sans-serif",

	return (
				maxWidth={360} // pixels

export default YourAppComponent;

Last updated